In the cafeteria there are two ways to select a sports card depending on the option selected by your employer.

1. From the main menu - tab Multisport Card or Sport Cards.

Click on the Multisport Card or Sport Cards tab and then select the card you are interested in.

You can choose to activate the card or order a new one. 

If you have a card that you did not pay for some time, use the "Activate" option. You will need a card number.

If you do not have a card or want to extend the activity of the card you are using, select the "Order" option.

Select the appropriate method of financing and consent and then order a card. If a paper consent for deduction from your salary is required, please deliver it to your company’s HR department, by the date indicated in the system.

PLEASE NOTE:  To order a card for an accompanying person you need to order (or already have) a card for yourself.

2. From the drop-down menu next to your name - Select your benefits 

Click Select Your Benefits. Then select the type of card you are interested in from the list. Select the card for yourself first and then for your companion. 

Remember to select the other benefits you want to use at the same time.

Once you save your selection, you will be able to make changes not sooner than next month.